Sunday, April 29, 2012

Real talk: God provides, always.


Lately God has been teaching me a lot about his provision. Sometimes I let my own pride get in the way and I try so hard to be self-sufficient. I try so hard to take care of things myself without stopping the crazy pace of life to seek God's will on things. If you know me you know I've been going insane job-hunting for a couple of months, nonstop. I had gotten so frustrated (honestly, PRAISE GOD for my loving and encouraging husband.) But on Friday I randomly decided to stop in a store and check if they were hiring...turns out they were doing interviews that weekend, he took my application right then, we went through a whole interview, and he made it sound like I would most likely be getting the job after he gets my background check back?? I am really trying not to get ahead of myself. If there's one thing I've learned from this job hunt is that I definitely CAN NOT do things on my own, like I try to do in my own sinful pride. When I turn it over to God he takes care of it however is his will for me. So now I am just praying for favor in this situation and that things work out!! It is out of my hands.

Learning to rest in honest trust that God will provide all that we need, is a lesson that I feel like I've re-learned so many times in the past--only to somehow get back to the same place of trying to rely on my own strength, trying to keep things in my own little hands rather than giving them to the one who has his hand on this entire world. It's disconcerting to realize that this has once again happened lately...I know it's because I have let the busy-ness of life get in the way of the important things. I heard someone say this once--if satan can't make you bad, he'll make you busy. And it's so true. The never-ending buzz of busy days is the dumbest--and easiest--way to pull us away from the close and amazing constant fellowship with God.

It's super humbling to realize this and to admit it on such a public place. But I'm human and I am so, so imperfect. So, although it's not the ideal place I'd like to be in, it's also not a surprise, not to me and not to Christ; he knows how much I suck on my own, and that's why he chose to save me. But even through my times of selfish pride, God's love for me never wavers. His faithfulness to me never wavers, even when mine does.

...that's awesome.

Anyways, lately I have been just trying to slow down. Get so much more intentional in relying on God instead of trying to take care of things myself. And it's funny that the day right after I repented to God about this, and asked him to change my heart and use me how He wants here...I walked into a store on a whim (with no hiring-sign in the window or anything) and happened into a good 2 to 3 hours of interviewing and working out possible scheduling. Whether I end up getting the job or not, I don't believe that was a coincidence...

God is good, always. He provides!

And here's a freaking cute picture of Sheba for good measure :)

Friday, April 20, 2012

First real post...fill in the blanks friday!

I first saw these on and decided to join the trend...

1. Today is a great day because,
It was sunny and 90 degrees out!! Honestly, I have been waiting for the rainy season to be over for what seemed like forever. I got to wear a new summer dress today and just enjoy being super warm :)

2. Tomorrow I will
be going to San Francisco with Rick. We volunteer with the Marine Mammal Center on Saturdays and it is a great reason for us to make sure and get out and enjoy the city whenever we can.  I absolutely love it there, gosh.

3. My favorite time of day is the evening, because I get to make Rick dinner and help him unwind from his long days. I really like being there and being able to serve him through household things & cooking. I think that is definitely something that God blessed me with (cooking that is, not cleaning particularly...HAHA), and it's a way that I can serve my husband and be a Christ centered wife for him :) so it makes me really happy to be able to do that for him each night.

4. Sometimes you just have to change plans a good 4 or 5 times before something works out. Education plans+military complications, I'm looking at you...

5. A song that I just can't get enough of lately is "The Sweater Song" by Hedley. It reminds me of military life and makes us smile when we think of future deployments.

6. My favorite accessory is a bow or flower headband in my hair...and my rings of course!! My favorite accessories of all time 0:)

7. My favorite thing about this week was taking Sheba to the park yesterday. She was so excited to be let off her leash that she literally TORE around in tight little circles, running as fast as she could until she was practically sideways to the ground. I was dying laughing. It was awesome.