Friday, August 3, 2012

Fill in the blank Friday!

It's finally Friday, yey!  Rick and I are celebrating by going to the gym soon.  The joys of having an awesomely in-shape husband is that I get healthier by association...haha :)

These are from, and I always mean to do them, but get too busy to get them done on Fridays.  And you just can't post a Friday post on the Sunday you finally remember it exists :o

1.  I am proud of  our cutie pup Sheba!!!  She is learning tricks lately and so far she can do "turn around," "stay," "shake," and my personal favorite, "slam dunk"!!  She is intelligent :)

2.   This weekend I will   be waking up without an alarm, going to enjoy breakfast at The Original Pancake House with my hubby (yumm), going into San Francisco for a little shopping and a good coffee shop to study at, and going to church on Sunday.

3.  A secret dream I have is   to start a bakery whenever Rick retires and military moves are over.  Either that or to franchise a Biggby Coffee...if they don't have it where we live I'll MAKE it be where we live.  Hahahaha.

4. I can't handle    when military girlfriends etc. liken their relationship to the movie "Dear John."  Umm, think about what a "dear john" letter actually is, look at what happens at the end of that movie, and then we'll talk.  I don't have many pet peeves but this is a big (and very specific) one.

5. The most annoying thing in the entire world is   bad traffic, especially when you've actually got to be somewhere....eeek.

6. The most relaxing thing in the entire world is  BUBBLE BATHS with Lush bath bombs, while watching House Hunters.  Haha.  Probably while also drinking a Biggby iced chai...I haven't had one at the same time before but I assume that would just put the whole thing over the top in perfection.

7.  I think everyone should  eat yummy things.  We should definitely also keep our bodies healthy, everything in moderation, making good choices and staying active, but's too short not to enjoy what you eat.  Things can be pretty healthy and also delicious :)