Thursday, November 22, 2012

giving thanks.

Happy Thanksgiving to all of our friends and family and blog friends!  We had a wonderful day today.  Since we didn't go back to Michigan, I took it upon myself to make every single one of my family's recipes for our usual Thanksgiving feast.  Usually there is tons of food and tons of people to gobble it up. in our little home, there was tons of food and only two people. :o

So, we stuffed ourselves very full.  And now we are laying around pretty dead.  Here, enjoy some pictures. :)

I could write paragraphs and paragraphs about the things I am thankful for, but no one wants to read all that.  Let's just say, I am so absolutely thankful for God's grace and provision, and the way He is so faithful to us; my incredible husband who I fall more in love with every day; having a family that I genuinely adore and am best friends with; my puppy girl, who kept me from loneliness for many many months this year; a church community that is so from Christ, and finding the most awesome friends through it; an awesome job I can actually enjoy and smile about; etc etc etc.  Plenty.  My cup overflows!  God is good no matter what.

Even the animals could tell that today was a chill day...

Part of my wouldn't all fit in one photo.  I was so proud, hehe.  I took all my mom's recipes, including twice-baked potatoes, our wonderful orange jello, apple cider stuffing, crescent rolls, etc etc.....all from scratch, you know how we do.  ;)

 Letting Sheba check out the food.....she almost grabbed it!!

 Then she got her own little doggy feast......she practically inhaled that thing.

Enjoying a wonderful dinner with my best friend.  Definitely the most relaxing Thanksgiving, and it was super fun to make all the food!  Super thankful for my manly man husband who took care of handling all the "gross" stuff (lol) and also cleaned the whole apartment while I cooked all day!!!  0:)  He's the best.!!!

I hope everyone reading this had an amazing Thanksgiving!!  All glory to God who makes all things good.  Enjoy the weekend! :)
