Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Getting back into this stuff.

Hey y'all, ok.  So blogging.  I inadvertently took a lot of time off from this.  It wasn't intentional, but I just "never had anything to write about."  It seemed like nothing was happening and I didn't feel like there was anything worthy to write down.  Maybe it was a comparison thing, that others seemed to have so much more exciting lives, and here I am just going to classes, doing homework, cleaning, cooking, and spending time with my husband, our pup, and the couple of friends I have here.  Which is PERFECT for me and I wouldn't have it any other way, but compared to others' lives I felt like mine wasn't really "blog-worthy."

Anyway, this morning while zoning out in my nutrition class (I will never understand why everyone so fervently take notes during a review that is literally the exact same information we already learned about) I decided that I am going to commit to writing things down more.  I have gotten into the habit of letting life pass me by, I think.  In constantly getting caught up in everyday things that don't seem very "interesting," the days turn into weeks and next thing you know--it's about time for Halloween, I log on here and see I haven't posted since August 3rd.  So I want to get more out of my everyday days, I want to observe more, learn more, and just appreciate things more.

I am getting back into this stuff by using this cute picture of a craft/DIY journal to prompt me to write something:

Listening; to a group of loud (and I mean LOUD) college kids shout and make a commotion in their everyday conversation.  For about the past hour straight.  Oh my oh my, how is it that at (probably) the same age, we could be at such different stages of our lives...?
Eating; nada.
Drinking; skinny vanilla latte...warm.cozy.happy.
Wearing; jeggings, uggies (as I call them), and a nice warm MSU hoodie.  After this blazing summer I have not really been prepared for cold-weather clothes, so it's a lot of the same every day.
Feeling; a little overwhelmed with school work and house work, while trying to balance things so that I have time to do the crafts and fun DIYs I am itching for.
Weather; overcast and 55 degrees.  Rainy season is starting and I am not really ready for it.  It's hilarious to me to think about how excited I was to have 55-degree days back when we moved here, in contrast to the below-freezing days in Michigan.  Now, a year later, I am absolutely "freezing" at 55, hahaha.
Wanting; to skip my last class and go continue my current read at Barnes and Noble.  But I think I'm going to sit through class anyway.....I feel too guilty.
Needing; to worry less.  God has shown so SO much faithfulness when I choose to trust him, and I need to get into the habit of worrying less & giving things up to God more.
Thinking; about how to hang my pictures on the wall, and create hooks etc on the frames that do not have ones attached already.  Wondering if my biggest frame/photo with the original mirror inside is too heavy to hang normally.  Hm.
Enjoying; texting my husband throughout the day. He is the cutest texter on the planet, especially with all of the Emoji pictures that constantly are a part of our conversation whether they belong there or not.  (Example: in my last text I felt the need to include both a snowman and an eggplant......)  He makes me laugh. :)

Okay, there we go!  Restart time.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't even see this post on my feed! I think life in general is pretty interesting even if it's "boring!" ;) I know how you feel though... My life has been consisting of studying, school, driving back and forth to pick up/drop off Manny at work, and if there's time pick up around the apartment. Usually it stays a mess though with clean laundry on the floor, dirty dishes in the sink, and loads of paper on the dining room table. And to what you wrote about what you're listening to... I agree. Whenever I'm in class or at Starbucks studying, I'm always so confused why people my age talk about the things they talk about, but then I remember I'm married and I have completely different priorities than they do! Lol anyways I love your blog.
